Monday 3 August 2015

Time Patrol Operations

This is the most complicated Time Patrol operation that I know of - although it is probably a simple one. From his home base in New York, 1934-'35, Carl Farness does field work among fourth century Goths, reporting both to Herbert Ganz in Berlin, 1858, and to Manse Everard in New York, 1980, and, on one occasion, requesting a medical intervention by Kwei-fei Mendoza who is based on the Moon in 2319. Afterwards, Farness recuperates in Hawaii, 43. Here we have five locations and six periods linked by Time Patrol activities.

Farness was recruited to the Patrol in 1980 but opts to live in the 1930's whereas Everard, recruited in 1955, continues to live in New York until at least 1990 although he will soon have to move elsewhere or elsewhen to conceal his longevity. In this respect, Time Patrolers resemble Heinlein's Howards or the immortals in Anderson's The Boat Of A Million Years. Everard's friends, the Denisons, relocate from New York to Paris, both in the second half of the twentieth century.

Ganz, Everard, Farness and his wife and the Denisons all live in the Time Patrol Western milieu, 1850-2000, with its headquarters in London, 1890-1910. Everard's other activities within his home milieu include:

resolving a problem in London, 1944;
securing the Altamont case in 1912;
visiting Amsterdam about the mysterious case of an altered Tacitus text in May, 1986;
interviewing Helen Tamberly about the disappearance of her husband, Stephen, in London, 1885;
interviewing Wanda Tamberly about the disappearance of her Uncle Stephen, secretly a Time Patrolman, in Palo Alto, October, 1986;
reconnoitering Afghanistan in 1970 to prepare for a mission in Bactria, 209 BC.

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