Friday, 14 August 2015

The Desired Track Of History

Everard and Whitcomb's class at the Time Patrol Academy is told:

"'Sometimes the Patrol will accept damage as done and work instead to set up counteracting influences in later periods which will swing history back to the desired track.'" (Time Patrol, p. 12)

How much of that goes on? How much of the past is not how later generations think it was but only appears to have been so because, e.g., the Patrol changed the scant early records? When the Exaltationists threaten to bombard King Hiram's Tyre, the director of Jerusalem Base, "...responsible for temporal activities throughout the Hebrew lands, between the birth of David and the fall of Judah..." (p. 307), proposes not to "'...concentrate all available effort on rescuing Tyre...'" (p. 308) but to establish a reserve organization:

"' Jerusalem, ready to minimize the effects there. The less that Solomon's kingdom suffers, the less powerful the change vortex will be. That should give us more likelihood of damping it out altogether.'" (pp. 308-309)

Conceal from later generations that Tyre was destroyed by multiple explosions while it was trading with and influencing the Biblical Solomon? Is that possible? Chaim Zorach says that such a proposal is "'...playing fast and loose with history.'" (p. 309) He is right.

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