Tuesday 16 September 2014


I continually think that I have posted all that I can on Poul Anderson and then find that I have not. When I began to post about Kyrwedhin, I did not expect to list seven roles for this character:

member of Parliament;

I thought that he would epitomize Dennitzan ychan-human integration but not that he would also explain ychani disaffection from Merseia. When I began to post about the pathetic fallacy on Merseia, I knew that there was a winter night to refer to but not that there were also a brilliant sun, a hunter on high, black waves, a harrying wind, crashing seas or a shrilling wind.

For me, this raises two questions:

If one person, can see all this, then more people, with their different perspectives, should be able to see even more?

Anderson's texts cannot be literally endless in their meanings and connotations, can they?

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