Sunday 11 June 2023

Quanta And Gods, Continued

Prescientific conceptions pursue Dominic Flandry even in his high tech era. When he tells Dragoika that telescopes and cameras in faster than light spaceships can show recent past events, she responds:

"'They can reach over time itself?' she whispered. 'To the past and its ghosts? You dare too much, you vaz-Terran. One night the hidden powers will set free their anger on you.'"
-Poul Anderson, Ensign Flandry IN Anderson, Young Flandry (Riverdale, NY, 2010), pp. 1-192 AT CHAPTER SEVENTEEN, p. 177.

Her people have an inchoate paganism. Instead of dismissing her fears, Flandry wonders whether she is right but there is no turning back for the vaz-Terran.

It is good to regard Anderson's works as a unity.

I thought of The King of Ys this morning because, although in our Zen group we are supposed to meditate in a quiet room, I open a skylight and a window to let air circulate and therefore hear birds and other background sounds but feel one with them and this reminded me of an Ysan resident who dwells in a tower where his companions are the birds that fly past or perch outside.

All is one.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

That was an evocative passage you quoted from ENSIGN FLANDRY. But Anderson is eminently quotable in many, many of his works!

Ad astra! Sean