Thursday 22 June 2023

Lir And Medb

Roma Mater, XV

It is confusing to operate in an environment with multiple gods. When an unseasonable storm starts to wreck his fleet, Niall wonders whether to give a man to Manadan but an old mariner thinks that the storm is sent by Manandan's father, Lir, who is not to be placated by any human offering.

Niall shouts, 'Medb with us!'" (1, p. 271) and, sure enough, in the heat of battle, after a raven has flown past in a "...violent gust of wind...," Gratillonius sees a titanic woman mowing men with a sickle. (5, p. 283)

Lir and Medb are on opposite sides this time but any divine conflict or alliance is possible.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

We see that in Homer's ILIAD as well, with the Olympians taking different sides in the war between the Greeks and Trojans.

Ad astra! Sean