Thursday 11 February 2021

A Tail As An Extra Limb

A Merseian is like a large, bald, green, tailed man and a Shalmuan is like a small Merseian! Merseians squat on their tails, greet each other by touching tails and can also fight with their tails. See Tips For Fighting A Merseian...

"Chives shot out his tail and helped brake the man."
-We Claim These Stars, CHAPTER V., p. 34.

"Chives' slight form could not stir under these pressures, but the green tail darted, button to dial to vernier."
-op. cit., CHAPTER IX, p. 57.

Why did tails evolve in the first place? Having evolved, they might, like elephants' trunks, be put to different uses.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Exactly. I can imagine intelligent races with tails being able to use them in various ways, if possible. I think of Shalmuans having longer and slimmer tails than those of Merseians.

Ad astra! Sean said...


And a swan's neck is like an arm when it reaches back to scratch its back.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I had not thought of swans, but I agree!

Ad astra! Sean