Saturday 14 March 2020

Viewpoint Characters In Van Rijn Stories

"Margin of Profit": Captain Torres;
The Man Who Counts: Eric Wace;
"Esau": Emil Dalmady;
"Hiding Place": Captain Torrance;
"Territory": Joyce Davisson;
"The Master Key": the unnamed first person narrator;
Satan's World: the trader team members;
"Lodestar": Coya Conyon;
Mirkheim: various.

Van Rijn is the viewpoint character of brief passages in "Margin of Profit" and Satan's World but usually we see him through the eyes of others as the above list demonstrates.

He also cameoes in two stories were, again, he is described as seen by someone else.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Some might think this rather odd of PA, showing us so little of how things looked from Nicholas van Rijn's POV. What was he intending us to see or think about Old Nick in presenting him to us like this? That he was uniquely sui generis, and larger than life?

Ad astra! Sean