Wednesday 11 March 2020

A Meeting With Snacks

"Margin of Profit," two versions.

"Van Rijn plumped himself into the armchair at the head of the table. Waiters appeared with trays of drinks, smokes, and snacks. He took a large bite from a ham sandwich and looked inquiringly at the others." (p. 112)

"Van Rijn plumped his mass into an armchair at the head of the table. Waiters appeared with trays of drinks, snacks, and smokes catered for the individuals present. He took a large bite from a limburger-and-onion sandwich and looked inquiringly at the rest." (p. 148)

Van Rijn has a fine idea of a business meeting. The sandwiches in the attached image are ham and cheese. Toasted cheese sandwiches accompanied by potato crisps, as these seem to be, would suit me fine. However, I would prefer to concentrate on the business first, then on the food. Van Rijn always manages both together.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I agree, it does make sense for Old Nick and his guests to take care of business first before eating. But I would expect them to be served drinks and smokes. But these merchant princes were not exactly as conventional as we are! (Smiles)

Ad astra! Sean