Monday, 6 November 2017

The League Period II

(Sometimes I try to convey a sense of life continuing behind the scenes of the blog but this time there has also been a death. The previous post was interrupted by the death of Nygel's father.)

I think that the contents of the collected Technic History, Vol II, should be -

(i) Hloch's Earth Book Of Stormgate Introduction to "Esau." Hloch says here that League philosophy and practices are becoming archaic or obsolete.

(ii) "Esau": Nicholas van Rijn makes his third appearance in the History and is confronted by Emil Dalmady whose daughter later writes "Esau" on Avalon.

(iii) Not the "Le Matelot" Introduction to "Hiding Place." That Introduction begins: "The world's great age begins anew..." and belongs before the first League story in Vol I.

"Hiding Place": van Rijn in space.

(iv) "Territory": Van Rijn on another planet.

(v) "The Trouble Twisters": Falkayn makes his third appearance and Adzel makes his second. Van Rijn cameos to found the trader team.

(vi) Hloch's Introduction to "Day of Burning."

(vii) "Day of Burning": the second trader team story with Falkayn, Adzel and Chee Lan. No mention of van Rijn. Introduction of Merseia.

(ix) "The Master Key": Meanwhile, back on Earth, van Rijn solves an extrasolar mystery from his lounger.

(x) Satan's World: vin Rijn costars with the trader team.

(xi) Hloch's Introduction to "A Little Knowledge."

(xii) "A Little Knowledge": Events elsewhere. League corruption continues. Van Rijn is mentioned.

(xiii) Hloch's Introduction to "Lodestar."

(xiv) "Lodestar": Time has passed. Van Rijn costars with the trader team. Ythrians make their third appearance. The Ythrian captain sees the shadow of God on van Rijn's way of life. When Ythrians transport van Rijn and his granddaughter to Mirkheim where they meet the trader team, many strands of the Technic History come together.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

First, my condolences for the death of Nygel's father!

"A Little Knowledge"? Trillia and its people is yet another of those planets and races we see in the Technic History only once. To my regret!

And I wonder if Trillia became one of the planets of the Terran Empire after it arose? Depends if it was no more than about 200 light years from Terra. If so, it might have been become one of those independent worlds serving as bufferes between larger and more powerful realms. As was the case with Betelgeuse.


David Birr said...

Please pass on my sympathy to Nygel. said...

Thank you.
Paul. said...

Sean and David,
Nygel texts: "thank you :)"

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Acknowledged, thanks!
