Wednesday 1 November 2017

The Capture Of Isis

See The Descent Of Isis.

Millions of bee-like insects with unbelievably painful stings enter the cruiser through the open air locks.

"'Close all locks! Seal all compartments! All hands in spacesuits!'" (p. 61)

Small groups of unarmed women greet the landing marines who are ordered to take them prisoner and also to be alert against insects. We already know what the women signify.

Enormous animals from the forest block the locks, keeping them open. In response, the forest is attacked with energy weapons and bombs. Gas cannot be used because of the open locks.

Fog, already spreading during the descent, intensifies. Instruments that should penetrate it suddenly fail. Gunners must fire blind.

Clouds of different kinds of insects blanket radio, radar and electromagnetic detectors. Aircraft crash, not only blind but also colliding with flocks of birds.

The women have somehow neutralized the marines. Any that do escape fly blind through the fog and are found by birds who locate them for treetop snipers. Landing, they are killed by archers or attacked by hellhounds. Most aircraft get above the fog but are destroyed by the outbacker energy weapons that the marines should have dealt with.

Wild men and animals enter the cruiser. Wolf, Free People commander, radios the bridge from the engine room. Able either to capture the rest of the ship or destroy it, he suggests surrender.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Surely the most pathetic part of this section of "Outpost" was how the Aphrodites used their pheromones to FORCE the Imperials in "Isis" to kill their own comrades. "Traumatic" simply wouldn't BEGIN to describe the horror and dismay they felt beneath this coercive use of pheromones on them.
