Monday, 6 November 2017

Mission Accomplished

It has been enjoyable to reread Poul Anderson's "Day of Burning," originally "Supernova," and I have confirmed that this story does not mention Nicholas van Rijn. See here. We know from other installments of the Technic History that van Rijn employs the trade pioneer crew led by David Falkayn but we would not have known it if we had just read this single story.

Haguan Eluatz, head of the Merseian crime syndicate, the Gethfennu, had had Chee Lan of Falkayn's team kidnapped and had then been obliged to release her but gets what he wants anyway because the Gethfennu is the only international organization that the Polesotechnic League can deal with. The Roidhunate does not exist yet.

Haguan, when insulted by Falkayn, grins smugly, reminding me of van Rijn.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Respectable and aristocratic Merseians alike resented how Falkayn forced them to deal with Haguan and the Gethfennu in the efforts needed to prepare Merseia for the radiation due to reach it in a few years because they were criminals and gangsters. That to have the Gethfennu take over the supervision of emergency preparations would be to confer legitimacy (a very important idea in the thought of PA!) and authority on them. Falkayn tried to argue with Morruchan Long-ax that in that case the Gethfennu would have to start obeying the laws of Merseian societies, something Morruchan denied would happened. It ended with the Hand of the Vach Dathyr that there would someday be a day of reckoning with the Gethfennu. And indeed we see mention in either A CIRCUS OF HELLS, A KNIGHT OF GHOSTS AND SHADOWS, and THE GAME OF EMPIRE, of how the struggles leading to the unification of Merseia, the Gethfennu was one of the parties of those struggles (the others being the Wilwidh Ocean Vachs and rival Merseian nations). I got the implication the Gethfennu was indeed destroyed.

I can think of real world analogies, on Earth, to the Gethfennu: the Mafia in the US, Japanese Yakuza, and Mexican and Colombian drug cartels. And sex slave traffickers as well!
