Thursday 2 November 2017

A Dunedain Feast

SM Stirling, The Desert And The Blade (New York, 2016), Chapter Eighteen, pp. 407-422.

Long loaves of fresh brown wheat bread with poppy seeds;
olive oil and olives;
apricots, figs and oranges;
cool spring water with lemon;
salad of wild miner's lettuce, onions, tomatoes, chickweed and purslane with crumbled cheese, garlic-infused oil and wine vinegar;
cold pork pie seasoned with sage, salt and pepper;
lamb tagine with green olives;
chicken marinated in yoghurt, spiced with hot red chillies and turmeric;
battered seafood and vegetables deep-fried tempura style;
pickled vegetables;
grilled salt-dressed chicken;
grilled pork-wrapped mushrooms;
"...flaky, honey-sweetened pastries full of spiced apple, raisins and walnuts..." (p. 421);
custard and berry tarts;
peaches in cream.

For other meals, see The Food Thread.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

These scrumptious banquets and meals so lovingly detailed by Stirling are so tempting and so unsuitable for a mostly sedentary guy like me! (Sighs)


S.M. Stirling said...

Not many sedentary Dunedain...8-). In Eryn Muir you have to hoist yourself up and down to the flets, for starters...

Sean M. Brooks said...

Dear Mr. Stirling,

Ha, ha!!! Too true! Post Change, whether they want to or not, most people have no choice BUT to be far more physically active than most of us have to be in high tech countries. Their physically strenuous lives prevents them from getting fat and less likely to suffer high blood pressure, adult onset diabetes, heart disease, or strokes.


raito said...

It shows that the series is petering out when Stirling has to import the stylings of Brian Jacques to keep up the page count. said...

Thank you, raito.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Hi, raito!

Never heard of Brian Jacques or his sayings. I thought Stirling simply likes good cooking and food. And there's nothing wrong with that.

Sean said...

Google Brian Jacques. He is interesting.

S.M. Stirling said...

True, though there are partial drawbacks -- arthritis is more common if you stress your body highly in youth, for example. I remember my Great-Uncle Gordon, the sailing-ship hand and trawler captain. He was still extremely strong in his 70's (and still eating lard sandwiches) but his knees and hips were in terrible shape.

S.M. Stirling said...

Food porn has always been a constant of my work... 8-). said...

Mr Stirling,
I decry the word "porn"!

Sean M. Brooks said...

Dear Mr. Stirling,

Yes, I remember mention of your kinsman. And of how his ACTIVE life justified those lard sandwiches. Yes, a physically strenuous life has drawbacks: such as problems with knees, joints, hips, feet, etc.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I will look up this Brian Jacques. Thanks!


Sean M. Brooks said...

Dear Mr. Stirling,

I don't mind, even if I have to be prudently satisfied with READING about these affectionately detailed meals! (Smiles)
