Sunday 2 April 2017

Different Uses Of The Bible In Fiction III

Poul Anderson, The Dancer From Atlantis (London, 1977).

p. 1: blurb;
p. 2: other Sphere titles by Anderson;
p. 3: title page;
p. 4: publication details;
p. 5: quotation, Revelation, viii, 6-13;
p. 6: quotation, Rig-Veda, vii, 56;
p. 7: Chapter One begins.

We note another Biblical quotation.

In Chapter Four, we learn that the anakro, space-time vehicle, was bound for prehistoric Africa and protoman. That is an appropriate pretext to bring in James Blish whose character, Kit Kennedy, finding a secluded valley in Africa, compares it to Paradise:

"...that garden planted eastward in Eden...And a river went out of Eden to water the garden..."
-James Blish, The Night Shapes (London, 1963), pp. 44-45.

When I had published the previous post, I realised that I had not included Blish. Then I realized that I could link him to The Dancer From Atlantis. Then I found a Biblical quote just inside Dancer.

Far out.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I've never read Blish's THE NIGHT SHAPES, else I might have included him in my list of SF writers who used the Bible. Unfortunately I can't recall him quoting Scripture in his AFTER SUCH KNOWLEDGE books.

Poul Anderson quoted the Bible, the Rig-Veda, the Elder Edda, the Chinese BOOK OF SONGS (did he ever quote from Confucius' ANALECTS?). And favorite authors such as Shakespeare and Kipling. But I don't recall him ever quoting from the Koran--no surprise, considering his dislike for Islam as such. Unless the Muslim character in STARFARERS (a Sufi, I think) quoted it.

Sean said...

Blish's THE TRIUMPH OF TIME does start with a Koranic quote.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I'll be checking that out.
