Monday 1 June 2015

Round The Corner

(Some of us here abbreviate "tomorrow" to "tomoz" for texting purposes.)

Tomoz: Latin class and arrival of house guest.

Result: maybe less blogging.

Soon: arrival by post of an SM Stirling novel.

Result: much posting, I expect.

Poul Anderson purists might be less interested or think that the blog is going off topic? I have sometimes posted about other writers relevant to Poul Anderson and, so far, have then returned to Anderson but it remains to be seen how the blog develops in the longer term.

I think that The People Of The Wind is almost Anderson's perfect novel and would love to read through it in detail yet again but, unless a lot of time is allowed to elapse before a reread, how likely am I to find new points to post about? Page viewers are welcome to search the blog for references to this novel and to draw attention to any perspectives differing from mine. As with Mirkheim, which is a perfect political science fiction novel, the reader must assess the characters and their opinions as if dealing with a comparable situation in the real world. Watching the TV news before reading a debate or argument between Anderson's characters brings home the extent to which Anderson's imaginative fictions hold a mirror to reality.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

You already know of how eager I am to know what you think of S.M. Stirling's IN THE COURTS OF THE CRIMSON KINGS. More than once in that novel I detected Burroughsian, Tolkienian, and Andersonian allusions or resonances.


Jim Baerg said...

In "IN THE COURTS OF THE CRIMSON KINGS", there is at least one William Goldman allusion ;)