Friday, 8 May 2015

Houghton Who?

Poul Anderson, Starfarers (New York, 1999), Chapter 18.

In his "...almost monastic..." (p. 140) cabin in the Envoy, Alvin Brent displays portraits of his heroes, currently Alexander, Charlemagne and Houghton. Google Houghton and you will find, among many other items, Houghton Hall (see image), residence of the first British Prime Minister. Houghton is also a surname of thirty seven notable people although none of them is likely to be a hero to Brent.

However, Brent refers not only to the history that we share with him but also to the fictitious future history presented in the previous 139 pages of this novel. On p. 5:

"...Avery Houghton launched his coup..."

- and, on p. 13:

"...Houghton prevailed. After all, he and his cause were widely popular. He was now the permanent Chief Adviser to any and every President of the United States. The trial and execution of his predecessor assured the docility of Congress and the courts. His reign lasted until his death, nineteen years later."

A man admired by Brent. I think we know all we need to about Brent.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Off topic comment. I did some more work on my "Three Phases" article. I included a weak and unsatisfactory paragraph about "Genius." Now I need to flesh out more what I said about Anderson's middle phase.


Paul Shackley said...

Please keep up the good work. I may be away when you email the article.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Thanks! And many thanks! If you are going to be away, that simply gives me more time for revising and polishing my piece.


Paul Shackley said...

Away from Sun 10 May till Fri 15 May.