Wednesday 20 May 2015

What Next?

I now think that the remembered description of the planet being transformed by the Tahirians must have been the brief summary in the opening paragraph here. However, I also think that Anderson presented more information on Tahirian planetary engineering so I hope to write a more detailed summary when I have reread Starfarers to that point.

It has been suggested here that Anderson's early story, "Genius," was a false start, disagreeing with the author's later expressed moral views. "Genius" is a paradox: on the one hand fairly crude early hard sf, with Magellanic barbarians threatening a Galactic Empire; on the other hand, serious discussion of the factors that facilitate social stability and/or progress. I will have to reread "Genius" to assess the judgment that it is a false start.

Then, after rereading some more of Poul Anderson, I will have to read for the first time some more works by SM Stirling.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I will be very interested if you write more detailed commentary about "Genius." Yes, I agree the story is rather crudely written, altho I don't hold that, in itself, against Anderson. He was, after all, still learning how to write. And I'm sure you recall how I quoted the line about the " of stars....strewn across the impassive face of eternity." That I did like! And, of course, some of the moral views expressed in "Genius" would very soon be rejected by Anderson.

And I would be very curious to know what you think of the books of S.M. Stirling you plan to read this year. I think you plan to read IN THE COURTS OF THE CRIMSON KINGS and CONQUISTADOR? Both of these works have Andersonian connections: the former has PA making a cameo appearance and the latter mentions some of his books. To say nothing, of course, of how Stirling's writing style reminds me in some ways of Anderson's literary methods.


Paul Shackley said...

CRIMSON KINGS certainly.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Good! I will be very interested in what you say about CRIMSON KINGS. I have noticed how it would be possible to find Andersonian, Burroughsian, and Tolkienian connections in that book.
