Monday 20 January 2014


Hello, Poul Anderson fans.

Tomorrow, because of a birthday, I will drive some members of my family to the nearby city of Preston (see image) for the day. Usually, while they shop, I meditate in a church, maybe walk in the park and visit a temple, then read some carefully chosen book in a couple of coffee places.

After recent detours into Ian M Banks (see the Science Fiction blog), Alan Moore (see the Comics Appreciation blog), JRR Tolkien and the Higgs boson (see the previous post), I expect to return to Anderson with his and Gordon R Dickson's Star Prince Charlie, which I have yet to read for the first time. After that, I must scour Anderson collections for any short stories not yet read or not reread recently.

I might also reread some earlier posts on this blog. I remember, for example, finding fascinating details in The Game Of Empire, which I had previously considered a light weight work - and I noticed many of these ingenious details in Anderson's fictitious worlds because I was pausing to post while rereading, not merely rereading at a normal pace.

I do not know what comes next. It is difficult to predict, especially about the future.

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