Wednesday, 14 November 2012


After Dahut has taken Rufinus, Nemeta speaks plainly:

Dahut, not a demon in her shape, haunts Ys;

she drowned but the Three would not let her stay dead (thus, what is seen, heard and even felt is her transfigured body, not her ghost);

she is the vengeance of the Three on their city;

Nemeta knows this from dreams, wands, a pool and the smoke of a sacrificial fire;

Nemeta still worships the Three because they give her powers whereas Epona etc have become sprites or phantoms, Wotan and his warriors are aliens and Christ would deny her freedom;

Dahut now chiefly exists to avenge Niall;

having helped Rufinus, Nemeta must stay away from the sea and from any river that Dahut could swim up;

Nemeta lives in the woods with cats like the witch that she has become.

Poul and Karen Anderson, The Dog And The Wolf (London, 1989), pp. 356-358).

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