Sunday, 2 March 2025

Tahirian Evolution

Starfarers, 26.

Tahirians evolved in response to a turbulent environment. Rank in their dominant hierarchy is gained by contribution to the group, not by conflict between individuals. Solitary individuals are rare and usually pathological. Basic units are clans, not families. Much language is somatic and chemical so empathy is natural. There is only one sex but a couple copulates by exchanging fluids through the mouth: unique in two senses.

The Tahirians ceased interstellar travel for a number of reasons which might include:

"'...something terrible, to retreat and hide from...'" (p. 242)

This is elucidated later in the novel. I will have to reread to that point to get the details right. However, I do remember something. There is some to my mind incoherent discussion of present events not only affecting but even negating past events: not time travel but one of the issues that can arise with time travel. We will look at it again when it comes around.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Except conflict was still possible with the Tahirians, due to what was originally a vague sense of unease becoming stronger as centuries passed. The arrival of the 'Envoy' was to crystalize that unease into open discontent/conflict among the Tahirians.

Ad astra! Sean