Sunday, 11 May 2014

Poul Anderson's Cosmic Environments

Poul Anderson's Cosmic Environments now exists as a spin-off blog. Initially, it will be used to gather together posts originally published here on Poul Anderson Appreciation that summarize information about some of the many extra-solar environments vividly imagined by Poul Anderson.

So far, I have copied to the new blog "Who Knows of Avalon?" - a post summarizing all the information that I could find about the planet Gray/Avalon which was discovered by Captain Gray's crew during the Grand Survey, later explored by a team of Ythrians and human beings, later again jointly colonized by members of these two species led by David Falkayn, renamed "Avalon" by Falkayn's granddaughter and successfully resisted annexation by the Terran Empire, instead remaining within the interstellar realm known as the Domain of Ythri.

The post summarizes data about Avalonian flora, fauna, geography, imported species, society, politics and religion, all the background material that we appreciate but do not focus on when following the plot of a short story or novel.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Hi, Paul!

I can see your point about having blogs like "Poul Anderson Appreciation," Poul Anderson: contributor articles," and "Poul Anderson's Cosmic Environments." But, doesn't this run the risk of spreading too thin commentary about the works of Poul Anderson? Mightn't two, rather than three PA related blogs be plenty?


Paul Shackley said...

You may be right. I will guided by comments and by numbers of page views. I hope that the "contributor articles" blog will encourage contributions. Personally, I am enjoying rereading and collecting together the "Cosmic Environments" but, if I turn out to be alone in this, I will not continue indefinitely!
Certainly, three blogs seems to be enough or more than enough for the time being.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Hi, Paul!

I am sorry to be acting rather like a dash of cold water on your face lately! I do admire the zeal and enthusiasm you have for the works of Poul Anderson. And I think it does makes sense to have separate forum for other fans of PA.
