Monday, 3 February 2025

New Copy

My hardback The Earth Book Of Stormgate arrived. See the attached image for its front cover. The only part of this edition that I have not already read is the cover-flap blurb which contains several errors but let's leave that, should we? My ideal edition of the Earth Book would be hardback but would have the front cover illustration of the paperback edition. See here.

Next I need to use eBay to replace most if not all of the volumes of The Technic Civilization Saga. One has lost its cover. Another is now in two parts on the bookshelf. And so on. However, eBay is so easy to use that it seems not a matter of urgency to avail of it. And let's order only one volume at a time for obvious practical and financial reasons. 

Two weekday evenings per week, Sheila and I leave the house for different reasons. Since this evening is one such, we probably approach the end of blogging for today.

The Boat Of A Million Years is an amazingly rich volume. I have read right through it before and have focused on completely different details in the text. 

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I'm glad the Baen Books collecting of all the Technic stories exists, but, aside from getting copies of RISE OF THE TERRAN EMPIRE and FLANDRY'S LEGACY, I've felt little need to get all of those Baen books. I have all the other stories in various formats, hardback and softcover.*

The biggest gap with Anderson's works are his uncollected stories and essays, or works republished once or twice decades ago. In my "Uncollected Works of Poul Anderson" article I tried to list as completely as possible these "forgotten" stories/essays. A publisher like NESFA Press or Baen Books should track down these 90 or more stories and articles for republishing.

Ad astra! Sean

*My copy of "Outpost of Empire" is in its original GALAXY magazine format.