Friday 4 September 2015

Successor Of Heinlein

Three ways in which Poul Anderson succeeds Robert Heinlein:

future histories;
magic as technology;
time travel.

We have discussed all these before but let's revisit time travel. Heinlein wrote two short stories and one novel about what I call the ornamental garden of the circular causality paradox but nothing about causality violation whereas Anderson wrote three novels about circular causality, a long series about causality violation and enough other time travel short stories to fill a collection; thus, six volumes including one long novel and one omnibus collection.

Heinlein's circular causality works are ingenious but do not go anywhere or rather each goes in its own circle whereas, of Anderson's three circular causality novels:

The Corridors Of Time presents an intriguing new means of time travel, also vivid details of contemporary, past and future locations;

There Will Be Time connects with past history, Anderson's Maurai future history and a further future of interstellar travel;

The Dancer From Atlantis connects with Atlantis, Theseus and the Minotaur and characters from different historical periods and is one of three novels of different genres set BC.

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