Wednesday 2 September 2015

High Tech And Low Tech

See here. Also, if Shalten had been talking to a version of Everard who had not experienced and accomplished what he did in Bactria in 209 BC, then how would telling him about it in 1902 AD rectify the situation? I do think that Shalten's dialogue lacks logical coherence at this point.

Meanwhile, so to say, Wanda Tamberly is in Beringia. In the Time Patrol series, we appreciate the contrast between the high technology of the time travelers and the low technology of the periods visited. Wanda surveys Beringia in 13,212 BC:

a low sun that will sink briefly beneath the sea;
gold sunlight on towering cumulus clouds and gleaming water;
short grass, peat moss, stunted aspen, scrub willow;
sedges by a brook entering a river with dwarf alder at the sides;
smoke from the dens of the locals;
a damp wind off the sea;
hundreds of gulls, ducks, geese, cranes, swans, plover, snipe and curlews;
a hovering eagle.

She then enters her low domed shelter containing:

her timecycle under a shelf with mattress and sleeping bag;
one chair and table with computer and other apparatus;
a cooking-washing unit;

By policy, her dome is small and unobtrusive in the lives of the natives although, inside it, she has a Patrol computer, far beyond the capacity of any twentieth century equivalent, and also a vehicle that can return her instantly to the late twentieth century. She is exploring the prehistoric past but remains part of a time traveling organization with its headquarters in a remote future.

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