Friday 4 September 2015

Beringian Miscellania

(i) "A heap of till, left when the glacier retreated, bulked above her dome and Corwin's. A spring trickled from its foot." (The Shield Of Time, p. 194)

I had not been familiar with this meaning of the word, "till."

(ii) "'...throughout humanity's existence, till indefinitely far uptime of our birth periods, clans, tribes, nations normally regard the rest of mankind as booty, potential or actual - unless somebody else is sufficiently strong to be an enemy, potential or actual.'" (p. 198)

This confirms that humanity will eventually transcend such divisions. We know that an Era of Oneness precedes the Danellians but also that the latter are post- or super-human.

(iii) Red Wolf wears "...a headband with three eagle feathers..." (p. 189), thus prefiguring his descendants, the Native Americans.

(iv) I said earlier that visiting 13,211 BC might be like going to another planet. Wanda compares it to "'...going to an unexplored continent...'" (p. 182), which might be more accurate. But it is the periods closer to ours that are trickier. She adds to Everard, "'Nothing to remind me of the problems you cope with.'" (ibid.)

(v) The self-important Corwin grates on our nerves as much as on Wanda's. Anderson gets his dialogue exactly right. These two characters will have a major conflict.

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