Monday 5 November 2018

"All Shall Be Well"

The title of this post must be placed in quotation marks, unfortunately. Well, it is a quotation but what I mean is that I would like to be able to state it for a certainty although I certainly believe that it is possible.

How could such a proposition be known for certain? Did someone from outside time speak to Dame Julian? We might live past a turning point when it becomes clear that the human condition is irreversibly improving. The Danellian who speaks to Manse and Wanda at the end of The Shield Of Time knows that mankind will transcend its animality because he has traveled from the future when that had happened.

The Lylmik overlord knows that there will be a Metapsychic Rebellion but that it will be defeated and that its leader will flee into the Pliocene because he was that leader, having returned to the Galactic Milieu the hard way.

Time travel, especially when combined with longevity, would be able to give us an almost eternal perspective - if time travel were possible in the first place, of course.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Well, Dame Julian firmly believed it was the Crucified Lord, Christ, who appeared and spoke to her. And since God can make good spring even from evil, I can agree with that "All shall be well," as long as we remember that God's time is not ours. Hence patience is needed.

Sean said...

Also needed in meditation.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And THAT as well.
