Wednesday 8 August 2018

A Long History

I said here that Poul Anderson's The Winter Of The World  "...assumes a history linking Anderson's twentieth century to that future Ice Age." Any futuristic sf novel is potentially a volume of a future history series and The Winter Of The World does indicate a long preceding history. However, it does not present any links back to events known to us.

The Ice Age has lasted for thousands of years. The Barommians have rebuilt the Rahidian Empire and conquered the ancient city of Arvanneth, formerly a seaport but now a hundred miles inland, replaced as a port by Newkeep over three thousand years ago! Civilizations have risen and fallen since then. There are also Seafolk and Northfolk.

Anderson conveys a lot of information in a few pages. Obviously, I will post more about this.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

THE WINTER OF THE WORLD is probably set at least 5,000 or more years in the future, during an Ice Age which plainly brought down our civilization. And it's plain from study of the maps provided for WINTER that Arvanneth is the later name for our New Orleans. An Ice Age would lower sea levels and make Arvanneth less suitable as a port, hence the ONCE new city of Newkeep.
