Saturday 7 April 2018

After The Terran Empire

In the Flandry Period of the Terran Empire, we became used to reading about Terrans and Merseians. Now, in the opening chapter of The Night Face, a joint Lochlanna-Nuevamerican expedition approaches the planet Gwydion which has been isolated for twelve hundred years since the collapse of the Solar Commonwealth. We are in different territory.

The Lochlanna and Gwydiona languages are derived from Anglic whereas Namericans speak Ispanyo. Thus, we learn of another Terrestrial language that has survived and changed in Technic civilization. See Fransai. Is Nuevamerica connected to Nuevo Mexico? (Scroll down.)

The rhythm of a phrase in The Night Face seemed familiar so I traced the similarity:

"Eastward the ground flattened, sloping down to a dike that cut off his view of the sea. Westward it climbed, until forested hills rose abruptly on the horizon."
-Poul Anderson, The Night Face IN Anderson, Flandry's Legacy (Riverdale, NY, 2012), pp. 541-660 AT II, p. 554.

"Westward we sail, but night overtakes us."
-Poul Anderson, "Star of the Sea" IN Anderson, Time Patrol (Riverdale, NY, 2010), pp. 467-640 AT IV, p. 640.

Not a big similarity but, when I read "Westward it climbed...," I was reminded of the peacefulness of "Westward we sail..." and the concluding prayer of "Star of the Sea."


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

In terms of internal chronology, "A Tragedy of Errors" is the earliest of the four post Imperial stories. Next comes, I believe, THE NIGHT FACE, "The Sharing of Flesh," and "Starfog." And my guess is "A Tragedy of Errors" took place about 200 years after the Empire fell. Because the background is fiercer, more anarchic, violent, chaotic, etc., than in the other stories.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

As so often happens with SF books, the cover illustration for THE NIGHT FACE is unsatisfactory. We see no mention at all in the story of small, apelike creatures carrying a man.

Sean said...

I think something like that happens. I will get to it in due course.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

If so, then that shows, to my chagrin, how defective my memory is!
